General Information and Team Allocation Policy
South Perth enters junior teams in the Cricket Blast, Metropolitan Junior Cricket Council (MJCC), WACA girl's competitions and organises intra-club games for Year 3's, Year 4/5's and Year6/7's. We also contribute to WAC junior district cricket for selected players via the South Perth and Perth Cricket Clubs as well as many others.
Players may register to play by registering online via the club website (
Please fill out the online registration form for online registrations on
Payment must be made at the time of registration.
Allocation of teams
Teams will be selected so each team in a grade will be of approximately equal strength (can be difficult to predict but this will be the aim) - please refer to the club’s “Team Allocation Policy”. Your team will be allocated a home ground and training day/time from a variety of grounds in the City of South Perth, Town of Victoria Park or City of Canning areas. Cricket Blast play at Collier Reserve.
First Game
Cricket Blast commence the first Saturday in November. For Year 3's, Year 4/5's, Year 6/7's, Year 8's, Year 9's and Year10/11's mixed and girls teams, the first game is usually the first weekend after the September/October School Holidays. Pre-season training for Year4/5's and upwards will be up to individual team coaches who will contact players usually a couple of weeks before the season to advise them of the team and training nights.
Parent help
Teams rely on parents to volunteer to coach, manage, score, assist at training, etc. Please let the club administrator, coordinator or coach know how you are able to help. The club is run by volunteers and generally does not have the resources to provide these people for your team although training and advice will be available. Parents are to maintain personal responsibility for the supervision of their child at all times.
Code of Behaviour
Players, officials and spectators are expected to adhere to the club Code of Behaviour. Players should play and practice in a safe manner and follow the instructions of coaches and officials at all times. The Code of Behaviour is available on the club website and in email newsletters during the season.
Team Allocation Policy
(Cricket Blast, Year 3's, Year 4/5's, Year 6/7's, Year 8's, Year 9's Year 10/11's, Year 12's (girls))
1. Every player who registers in the correct time-frame (as advertised by the Registrar) is guaranteed of a place in a team within our club.
Registration within the correct time frame should be the only pre-requisite for allocation to a position in the South Perth Junior Cricket Club. Usually this is by the 31st August for Year 3's and upward and up to two weeks later for Cricket Blast players. Acceptance of registration will not be influenced by perceived level of ability or experience.
Particular team placings cannot be guaranteed at the time of registration and will only be considered by the committee in the first week of September when all registrations within the correct time-frame have been received and the bigger picture considered.
The number of teams nominated within each age-group will be kept flexible to accommodate all timely registrations as above.
2. Players who have registered on time (as above) should always be given priority in team placements
Players registering on time should receive priority . They should also not have their opportunities to bat and bowl diminished by having more than the recommended number of players loaded into their team. The recommended maximum number of players in each team is:
Year 3's - mixed - 7 players
Year 4/5's - mixed - 7 players
Year 3/4/5's - girls - 7 players
Year 6/7's - mixed - 9 players
Year 6/7's - girls - 7 players
Year 8's - mixed - 11 players
Year 9's - mixed - 11 players
Year 8/9's - girls - 9 players
Year 10/11's - mixed - 11 players
Year 10/11/12's - girls - 11 players
In each case, we aim to have 1 to 2 extra players in each team in order to field a full team for each match as consideration needs to be given to other cricket, work and study commitments which may affect availability from week to week.
3. Late registrations will be placed in a team if possible, but players registering on time should receive priority.
Every attempt should be made to accommodate late registrations if a vacancy exists or there are enough players to nominate an extra team. Where there is no vacancy when a player registers late, he/she will be placed on a waiting list and may eventually be allocated a place if another player drops out. Players who have registered on time should always receive priority. Final team lists should not be delayed because players have not indicated whether they are playing. The efficient start-up of the team with regard to coaching, training etc. should receive top priority.
4. Every team will have their team list reallocated by the committee prior to the commencement of every season.
The Registrar and club committee are to maintain control of team lists at all times. This maintains a flexible approach when considering movement of players to the next age group and incorporating new players. Any conflict of interest should be strongly considered before allowing other parties to be involved.
Only individual player registrations will be accepted. Players wishing to be placed within a particular team or group of players, should indicate this in the preferences section on the registration form. Individual preferences and the team played with last season will be strongly considered by the committee, within the terms of this policy, when all timely registrations have been received.
Places will not be held for players who played last season, but have not registered for the current season. There are too many players who drop out of cricket each season for the club to follow them up individually. It is up to individuals (including committee members and coaches) whether they wish to take the time to remind players from last season (by phone or otherwise) to register. Players should not rely upon receiving a reminder by telephone.
5. Players should play in their correct age-group unless special circumstances exist.
Click here for the "Which grade will my child be playing in during the 2023/23 season" information tables. Dispensation will not be given to play at a lower grade. For girls playing in mixed teams the policy differs slightly and information is given in the same handout.
6. Aim to select teams of approximately equal strength in each age group*.
Principles of fair play and the Department of Sport and Recreation's "Keep it Fun" policy should be maintained in ensuring all players receive equal opportunities and are not dominated by much stronger teams from within their own club. Whilst this may be difficult to determine prior to commencement, this should always be the aim.
7. Teams in each age group should include approximately equal distribution of first and second year players*.
With a few notable exceptions, players usually play in each age group for two seasons. This gives a mix of experienced players who have the opportunity of consolidating their skills in the second season without being under pressure to change formats every season and players (and parent helpers) new to that grade who have experienced players (parents) to guide them.
Groups of friends wishing to form a team of all first year players with the aim of continuing together to be all second year players next season have provided many problems for the committee in the past and are not to be encouraged. The overall team allocation policy should be reinforced in such cases.
8. New players should be distributed as evenly as possible across all the teams in a grade*.
Teams should not contain large numbers of new players if possible. This is to maintain the aim of each team being of approximately equal strength and also to provide guidance to inexperienced players and parent helpers.
New players may develop quickly and should be given every opportunity to do so.
9. The availability of coaches and other parent helpers should be considered when selecting teams.
Parent help is not always as forthcoming within some groups as it is in others, so the availability of parent help should be considered with the aim of each team having adequate coaching and assistance.
10. The South Perth Junior Cricket Club maintains ultimate control of each team.
Whilst constructive input from coaches, players and parents is considered where possible, teams are always allocated by the South Perth Junior Cricket Club as per the above policy. Team lists once allocated by the committee are final.
No team from last season, school or other outside group should consider that any team is their exclusive domain. Players may not be promised a place in any team prior to allocations being conducted by the committee. Whilst groups of friends who may be from a particular school etc. will be kept together if possible, players are strongly encouraged to mix with other players from the wider community in line with our club being a community group and not a cluster of individual smaller groups. Where possible, each team should contain players from a range of backgrounds to encourage individual social development of our children.
School grounds are hired as a club facility and are not the exclusive domain of players from that school, so will not be considered in the team allocation policy (although the location most convenient to the majority of team members will be taken into account in the ground allocation policy).
* It is acknowledged that individual extenuating circumstances may require slight variation from the above policies, however the general aims and intent should be adhered to at all times.
This policy has been formulated by extensive trial and error over many years and these policies are the ones that have evolved as the most successful and fair to all.